Vemana Satakam

Here are some of Vemana's most famous four-liners with english transalation (Source:Wikipedia)

You can find more (in Telugu) at

Frankly speaking, I didnot understand most of them when I was a little kid, but now when I read them again and apply thought, man...they make so much sense. Truely admirable.

Uppu Kappurambu nokka polika nundu
Chooda chooda ruchulu jaada veru
Purushulandu Punya purushulu veraya
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinura Vema

Salt and camphor look alike
With familiarity, the paths of their taste is different
Among men, virtuous people stand apart
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!

Gangi govu paalu garitadainanu chaalu
Kadivedainanemi kharamu paalu
Bhakti kalugu koodu pattedainanu chaalu
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinura Vema

A ladleful of a Sacred cow's milk is enough
Of what worth is even a potful of donkey's milk
Even a little food given with respect is sumptuous
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!

Atmasuddhi leni acharamadi ela
Bhandasuddhi leni pakamadi ela
Chittasuddi leni sivpujalelara
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinura Vema

What is the purpose of custom sans inner purity?
What is the purpose of cooking sans cleanliness of vessels?
What is the purpose of worship of Shiva sans purity of mind?
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!

Alpudeppudu palku adamburamu ganu
Sajjanundu palku challaganu
Kanchu moginatlu kanakammu mroguna
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinura Vema

A mean(low) person always speaks pompously
A good person speaks softly
Does gold reverberate the way brass does?
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!

Anagananaga raga matisayilluchunundu
thinaga thinaga vemu tiyyanundu
sadhanamuna panulu samakuru dharalona
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinura Vema

As you sing (more), the melody (raga) excels
As you eat, sour becomes sweeter to the taste
With practice, things become perfect
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!

Anuvu gani chota Nadhikulamanaradu
Kochmayina nadiyu kodava gadu
konda addamandu knochami undada
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinura Vema

When it is not your place or time, do not try to dominate. Hill looks like small in a mirror, but its much bigger.

Apadiana velanarasi bandhula judu
bhayamuvela judu bantu tanamu
Pedavela judu pendlamu gunamu
Viswadhaabhuraama, Vinura Vema

In times of distress, observe the attitude of relatives
In times of fear, observe the behaviour of the army
In times of poverty, observe the nature of the wife
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!

Chippalonabadda chinuku mutyambayye
nitabadda chinuku nita galise
Brapti galugu chota phalamela tappura
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinura Vema

The rain drop that fell in the shell became a pearl
The one that fell in water merged with water
If something is yours, you sure get it.
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!

Veshabhashalerigi Kashayavastramul
gattagane mukti galugabodhu
talalu bodulina talapulu bodula
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinrua Vema

Knowing external behaviour and language, wearing saffron (renunciate) clothes
That does not lead to mukti (liberation)
Shaving of head (of a renunciate, widow etc) does not shave (unwanted) thoughts
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!

Cheppulona rayi chevilona joriga
kantilona nalusu kali mullu
intilona poru nintinta gadaya
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinura Vema

A stone in shoe, a fly near ear
Pollen in eye, a thorn in foot
A quarrel in the house, are unbearable(painful)
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!

Tappulennuvaru Tandopatandambu
Lurvi janulakella nundu tappu
Tappu lennuvaru tamatappu lerugaru
Viswadhaabhiraama, Vinura Vema

There are many that find faults (with others)
Every one in the world has faults
The people who count faults do not know their own faults
Beloved of the Bounteous, Vema, listen!


Vemana said...


Venky said...

Wonderful messages, such sweet voice of writing!!!

Unknown said...

thanks a lot for these. Always wanted to think on these lines and like you said, the more we read, the more meaning we get, as we grow up.
I like the one thinaga, thinaga vema... and compare it with Marshal's Law of Diminishing Utility.
So as per Indian Philosophy, happiness is a choice and things which are bitter and sour give more happiness as we practice and consume more unlike the good things (material things) which have less to offer as the value decreases as we consume more.

Unknown said...

My name is David Bodapati, a sports journalist from Bengaluru. The above "unknown" post is mine! Thinaga, thinaga Vema means, the more you eat neem, the sweeter it would turn into. Neem is known to be bitter. So a contrast to Marshal's Law.