My collection of Proverbs

Here you can find some of the proverbs that I collected when I was in school

  1. Needs can be met, greed never
  2. When elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers
  3. Happiness is never perfect until it is shared
  4. Proper preparation prevents poor performance or failure
  5. The key of success is knowing yourself
  6. Its better to learn from the experience of others
  7. The greatest loss is the loss of self-confidence
  8. Experience is one thing you can get for nothing
  9. Even a fish wouldn’t get into trouble if head kept its mouth shut
  10. You cannot be anything if you want to be everything
  11. Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life
  12. Where your mind goes, your energy flows
  13. Where there is a will, there is a way
  14. Either I will find a way or make one
  15. Honesty is the best policy
  16. Do the thing your fear, your fear will disappear
  17. One is not born a genius, one becomes genius
  18. Mistakes are your best teachers
  19. All men make mistakes, only fools repeat them
  20. A wise man thinks before acting and fools after it
  21. A wise man speaks when others have exhausted their words
  22. When it is impossible to change others you must change yourself
  23. Do not do anything which someone else can do for you
  24. A sorrow shared is sorrow halved
  25. Be true to your work, your word and your friend
  26. He is a good friend who speaks well of us even behind our back
  27. Working together is success
  28. Children are like wet clay, whatever falls on them makes an impression
  29. The head which wears the crown will never enjoy the peace
  30. If wealth is lost, nothing is lost; If health is lost, something is lost; If character is lost, everything is lost
  31. Punctuality is the key to success in life
  32. Your behavior always leaves an impression on others
  33. A good book is the best friend
  34. Have a smile for everyone and malice for none
  35. Ones behavior shows ones character
  36. Honesty gives birth to other qualities
  37. Language is the “outward expression of inward grace”
  38. Courtesy costs nothing but fetches everything
  39. It takes a lot of courage to show your dream to someone else
  40. Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honoring of differences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities
  41. When you don’t know what you want to be, you often end up where you don’t want to be
  42. Every great work of art has two faces – one towards its own time and one towards the future
  43. A race horse is an animal that can take several thousand people for a ride at the same time
  44. Don’t confuse having a career with having a life. They are not the same
  45. An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth
  46. In the new year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, but never in want
  47. A truly great person is the one who gives you a chance
  48. The trick in eating crow is to pretend it tastes good
  49. Your biggest competitor is your own view of your future
  50. Its always helpful t learn from your mistakes, because then your mistakes seem worthwhile
  51. The bow that bends too strictly snaps itself
  52. Reading without thinking is like eating without digesting
  53. It is the ideas that earn money and not money that earn the ideas
  54. Admitting that you are wrong is an modest of showing that you have grown a little wiser
  55. At the start of your career, what you learn is more important than what you earn
  56. IF I had eight hours to chop a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening my axe
  57. Honesty is the best policy with a little bit of common sense
  58. Your biggest competitor is your own view of your future
  59. A person does not learn to choose a good alternative without choosing a few bad ones
  60. It doesn’t matter whether you can be proud of your ancestors, what matters is if they can be proud of you
  61. If you want to be a success, display enough courage to welcome failures
  62. Like a tree, we each must find a place to grow and branch out
  63. If you don’t make mistakes, it only means your are not trying 100 percent
  64. Imagination is much more important than knowledge
  65. All that you are is a result of all that you have thought
  66. A mans life is what his thoughts make of it
  67. A change for better always starts with a change of thinking
  68. The desire to wing is in most of us, the will to win is a matter of training and the manner of winning is a matter of honor
  69. The best thing to spend on your children is your time
  70. The end of education is character
  71. The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days
  72. Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each others little failings
  73. Your friend is the man who knows all about you and still likes you
  74. If you have peanuts to offer, you will get monkeys
  75. Praise in public, reprimand in private
  76. Don’t turn down the other man’s plans unless you have better one’s to offer
  77. Working together does not only bring out the best in all of us; it also brings out the best in each one of us
  78. From softness arises humility;
    From humility arises trust;
    From trust arises togetherness & one mind
  79. A soft voice is heard long after the shout; Gentleness is stronger than anger
  80. Sound becomes music if a trained man uses it. Training is essential
  81. Condemn action, not people
  82. What matters most today is the ability to think together and not alone
  83. Everyone is a trainee as well as a trainer
  84. Never allow two people to do a job which only one can do
  85. One man makes the difference ---- the LEADER
  86. Never be vindictive with anyone. Forgive & Forget
  87. Trust is like a thin thread. Once you break it, it is almost impossible to put it together again.
  88. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails
  89. The used key is always bright
  90. Work smarter, not just harder
  91. People can be divided into three groups
    - those who make things happen;
    - those who watch things happened;
    - those who wonder what happened
  92. Good people without discipline are worth nothing
  93. A mob has many heads, but no brains
  94. A good laugh is like sunshine
  95. Amazingly people think the things that happen to them happen only to them
  96. Never speak ill of your competitors
  97. Any fact is better established by two or three good testimonials than by a thousand arguments
  98. Silence is a great art of conversation
  99. Complaining about others is often an admission of one’s own incompetence
  100. Forgive many things in others, nothing in yourself
  101. When the winds of change are blowing, you need to know which way and how fast
  102. To convince others, you have to convince yourself
  103. He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty
  104. A man rarely succeeds at anything unless he has fun doing it
  105. Getters generally don’t get happiness; givers get it
  106. A two word success story – Work works
  107. Ideas are useless unless used
  108. Yesterday is beyond repair;
    Tomorrow may never come;
    Today alone is ours;
    Therefore make the best use of today
  109. Fortune favors the brave
  110. Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer
  111. It’s not the hours you put in your work that counts, it’s the work you put in the hours
  112. Love is injurious to health…SOMETIMES.
  113. The help can only be offered, not imposed – Sri Aurbindo
  114. The first thing need is quiet in mind – Sri Aurbindo
  115. Drive out dark despair & go bravely on – Sri Aurbindo
  116. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be – Sri Aurbindo
  117. Self knowledge is the beginning of self improvement
  118. Strong convictions precede great actions
  119. I ruined time, now it is ruining me
  120. Failure means delay, not defeat
  121. Follow no one but learn from everyone
  122. If you make up your mind to do three thing viz., to work, to save and to learn, then you can rise in the world
  123. Don’t tell me how hard you work, tell me how much work you got done
  124. Treating people courteously requires very little effort
  125. Never stop listening
    Never stop learning
    Never stop training
  126. Skills by themselves are not enough; it’s the attitude that makes the difference
  127. There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience
  128. I am as successful as I make up my mind to be
  129. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
  130. All things are difficult before they become easy
  131. Leave nothing for tomorrow, which can be done today
  132. If you want to win friends, you have to learn to loose arguments
  133. Do important jobs now before they become urgent
  134. All power is within you; you can do anything and everything, believe in that. I do not believe that you are weak, stand up and express the divinity within you – Swami Vivekananda
  135. We need light to see our own shadow
  136. A small key opens a big door
  137. Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor
  138. A modest man never talks about himself
  139. Power comes from sincere service
  140. Praise undeserved is scandal in disguise
  141. Human nature is greedy of novelty
  142. Society is no comfort to one not sociable
  143. God heals and doctor takes the fee J
  144. Obedience alone gives the right to command
  145. Honest labor bears a lovely face
  146. The fear of Lord is the beginning of wisdom
  147. Laws are dumb in the midst of arms
  148. A man’s best friends are his ten fingers
  149. He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it
  150. Life is long if you know how to use it
  151. “If you don’t invite trouble, trouble comes,” it means that if we don’t deal with our problems, our problems will deal with us . . .with a vengeance
  152. Wise men never sit and wail their loss
  153. Each one sees what he carries in his heart
  154. An injury is much sooner forgotten than insult
  155. Victory belongs to the most persevering
  156. He who begins many things finishes nothing
  157. If the blind leads the blind, both shall fall into the ditch
  158. Laugh if you are wise
  159. Vote should be weighed not counted
  160. Confidence; you get it by getting it
  161. It is our thoughts that keep us awake
  162. Isn’t it better to bend than break
  163. Common sense is not so common
  164. You are judged by the company you keep
  165. A truthful person shines like a star
  166. Justice delayed is justice denied
  167. Delay of justice is injustice
  168. The clothes make the man
  169. He who laughs last, laughs longest
  170. Self trust is essence of heroism
  171. Even the wildest can be tamed by love
  172. The deepest hunger of a faithful heart is faithfulness
  173. The worst deluded are the self-deluded
  174. Tempt not a desperate man
  175. It is easy to flatter, it is harder to praise
  176. Time and tide wait for none
  177. Every man is the architect of his own fortune
  178. He conquers who endures
  179. Good intentions are not good unless carried out
  180. Money is like manure, it is useless unless used
  181. Coming events cast their shadows before
  182. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes
  183. Real beauty is the beauty of the soul
  184. Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver
  185. Sympathy is the key that fits the lock of any heart
  186. Never seem wiser or more learned than your company
  187. In victory the hero seeks the glory, not the prey
  188. The shame is in the crime, not in the punishment
  189. People do not lack strength they lack will
  190. Better to be harmless than helpful
  191. Gratitude is the memory of the heart
  192. Our attitudes govern our destiny
  193. Vengeance has no foresight
  194. We live in our desires rather than in achievements
  195. To do injustice is more disgraceful than to suffer it
  196. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst
  197. He is happy who thinks he is
  198. Ability is poor man’s wealth
  199. Constant practice often excels even talent
  200. Competition brings the best out of you
  201. You will only be remembered for two things, the problems you solve or the ones you create
  202. Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem
  203. When heaven throws date at you, you got to open your mouth
  204. You make your own luck
  205. Life is like a bank, you can not take out unless you put in
  206. If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail
  207. Don’t count the chickens before they are hatched
  208. Our mind is like a garden which can either be intelligently cultivated or be allowed to run wild
  209. The harder you work the luckier you get
  210. The spirit to win and the will to excel is always measured one stroke at a time
  211. If you have the courage to begin you have the courage to finish
  212. You will always miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take
  213. I may have many faults but being wrong is not of them
  214. A watched pot never boils
  215. A man’s reach should exceed his grasp?
  216. A new broom sweeps clean
  217. A bad penny always turns up
  218. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
  219. Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it
  220. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
  221. Forewarned is forearmed
  222. From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step
  223. Life is pendulum between tears and joy
  224. An expert is who knows more and more about less and less
  225. One stitch in time saves nine stitches
  226. Rolling stone gathers no mass
  227. People with narrow minds have broad tongues
  228. The reward of a thing well done is to have done it
  229. Hate is like acid. It can damage the vessel in which is it stored as well as destroy the object on which it is poured
  230. Give people more than what they expect and do it cheerfully
  231. When you say, “I am sorry”, look the person in the eyes
  232. Never laugh at anyone’s dream, people who don’t have dreams don’t have much
  233. Talk slowly but think quickly
  234. When someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer, smile and ask “why do you want to know?”
  235. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risks
  236. When you loose, don’t loose the lesson
  237. Remember the three Rs – Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions
  238. Success lies not in the result but in the effort. "Being" the Best in not at all important, "Doing" the Best is all that matters.
  239. "When investing, pessimism is your friend, euphoria the enemy" -- Warren Buffet

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