No Pain, No Gain

There is always a reason for what we are doing. The things that we think painful, hard or over-reacting. Those are the things that we rather not doing and those are the things someone has forces us or someone is forcing us to do. But at the end of the day it is all of us, who are doing those things that we don't want to do.

It also encourage me to do what I have to do in order to get the things I want in the life. Regardless of whether you are studying, working or what so ever you are doing, there is a reason, there must be a reason for the things you are doing. Don't give up, do what you have to do and carry on doing what you suppose to do. You might have to give up what you want to do but soon, you'll be rewarded for your sacrifices.

No Pain, No Gain . . . Accept the Pain,
Future will be Fruitful . . .
Don't feel the work you are doing is pain,
Because there will be always a reason for that pain or work.
So face the Pain, for the Pain you face,
There will be DEFINITELY HAPPINESS ahead.